Over Abstracting

3 min read

I’m tired of over abstracting… and I’m over it. There. That’s the blog post.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve written a class that has like 20 functions that just return 1 line. All to be used by the 3 or less public functions. Why do I do this? Is it really “clean code”?

I spend a decent amount of time rewriting code to learn from it. Sometimes I rewrite the same class or even a small sub system. Sometimes I rewrite it once or even 5 times.

One of my recent rewrites is an AWS lambda function. I previously wrote a version of it that has 10 functions in 3 files, not to mention the utility functions that it also calls.

I tried rewriting it in one big file. I found it “overwhelming” to approach at first. Once I realized that everything this lambda function does is in this one file I felt a bit of relief. No more jumping around between files!

In my defense, when I first wrote this lambda function, I was trying to keep it abstract because there were 3 other lambda functions that would share some of the same code. It turns out those functions maybe shared 10% of the code that was abstracted. Not worth the headache of jumping between files. Lesson learned.

So I left the one big file alone for a few days and recently came back to it. Why are there so many functions?! Before there was 10 functions in 3 files. Now there’s over 20 in one file! About 5 of them were some of the utility functions from the previous version.

I did my best to make each function read from top to bottom, as mentioned in Chapter 5 of Uncle Bob’s Clean Code book, but it’s still too much jumping around. How is this any better?

Why do I have so many functions? Because I want named behaviour. Sometimes I read a few lines of code and have to think for 30 seconds in order to grasp the high level concept. This thinking is reduced to 1 second with a well named function that groups these few lines of code. But the jumping back and forth for a simple piece of code that is not being reused is not worth it.

So I rewrote the lambda function today. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve rewritten it. Like a painter, I’ll keep repainting the same bowl of fruit until I’ve learned all I can from it.

I have not completed the functionality but so far there’s only 3 functions. From what I can see in the previous rewrite, I’ll only need about 5 more functions. 8 functions in 1 file. Depending on who you are, this sounds like a dream or a nightmare.

How will I compensate for the “what the hell is going on here?” affect? Code comments. Short descriptive comments that explain a grouping of 5 or so lines and prevent me from having to jump to the another part of the file or worse, another file.

I’ve long believed that code comments are bad. They’re a sign that you did not explain the code well with good variable names and extracted functions. Sometimes code is too hard to explain in a function name. Sometimes extracting a private function to the bottom of a 200 line file is a bridge too far. Then you’ll tell me to extract the 200 line file into two 100 line files. As Ryan Reynolds said in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, “But why?”

Clean code is more of an art form and a balancing act. What’s clean to one individual or team is a dirty dumpster to another. One thing that doing a lot of Leetcode questions has really taught me is “Make it work, then make it right”.

I’ve solved and re-solved hundreds of Leetcode questions with the average function length of 25 lines. At most I’ve used 4 functions for Union Find solutions just because functions named union, find, and are_connected just read a bit better. Otherwise it’s just the problem’s function and 1 or 2 helper functions.

Since “right” is really subjective, I rather “clean” the code days or weeks later once we actually have a need to clean it. Cleaning it too soon can lead to code that’s actually messier for your future self.

Written on September 30, 2023

The opinions expressed here are my own and do not reflect any individual or organization from my past or present.


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